The before school care program is designed for parents who have an early start to the day.At KiddieTown we open our school doors at 8:30 a.m.The staff on duty will create a positive and meaningful agenda to enhance your child’s curiosity.Our academic school day starts at 9 a.m.
The after school care program is also designed to parents who have to work late. At 4 p.m. the academic school day is complete. After snack, the children engage in self-exploration within the age-appropriate classrooms with a variety of games, manipulative, art materials, stories, and computer software.Weather permitting, the children employ in active outdoor play and social gatherings.However if the weather isn’t on our side, an indoor area is provided for physical activity. Depending on your child’s age and grade, a 45 minute homework time is allotted which begins at 3p.m. and ends at 3:45p.m.
Before and after care provides students the opportunity to participate in crafts, story time, outdoor play and indoor games which enrich their time in loving home like environment. The before and after care offers parents the flexibility they need for their jobs and family; while meeting the needs of each child. This program operates the school year.

Role of parents in child’s growth
Proper role of the parent is to provide encouragement,support and access to activities that enable child to master key developmental tasks.A parent is their child’s first teacher and should be the best teacher throughout life.Parents job is to show the child how school can extend learning at home and how exciting learning can be.
Preschool For Siblings
Our school readiness pathway is designed to create and address each child’s developmental needs. We offer specialized curriculum, in our preschool,Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs.Learn more about our educational programs for different aged children plus before and after school care, enrichment programs and summer camp.
Story Telling Assignment
The aim of storytelling is to demonstrate and plan to read stories to children. Storytelling helps children with learning and encourages children to use their imagination as they go through different flaps in the book to see whats behind them. Stories can make think about things in ways which are never thought before.
A good place to start is to consider how your child gets to school – from the moment she walks out the front door of your home to the moment she sets foot inside the front door of her school and vice versa on the way home. Even children who live within walking or biking distance of school need to learn how to avoid hazards along the way.
Kids are more successful in school when parents take an active interest in their homework — it shows kids that what they do is important.Parents can be supportive by demonstrating study and organization skills, explaining a tricky problem, or just encouraging kids to take a break. And who knows? Parents might even learn a thing or two!
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It is helpful for school children to be able to dress and undress themselves. You can help by:
Dressing your child for school. Helping your child to choose clothes they can manage on their own. Practicing dressing – you complete the first part of each piece of clothing and then let the child complete the rest, gradually letting the child do more until they do it all themselves. Practicing with dress-up play or with dolls.
If you have a concern about your child’s health, you can make contact with the health service. Parents are encouraged to contact the health service to discuss any concerns about their child’s health or development.All children have to be offered a health assessment before the end of their first year of school. If you have specific concerns at any point, an assessment can be conducted. It is important to get the right information from the right person at the right time. Being informed helps students and/or parents make better choices.
Children should not wear expensive jewelry or clothing to school.
Look for any gap in the codes or regulations that exploit them. That might mean wearing expensive jewelry, wearing certain shoes.
Parents help their kids feel good about themselves that it’s the parents duty to make their children happy. But kids don’t need parents who make them happy. They need parents who will make them capable. Parents, stop falling for the nag factor. Kids have learned if they nag enough for long enough, parents will give in.
Younger children often bubble up with their own comments about the school day but skip lots of information parents find important. For many young children, talking is not their main way of communicating. So don’t be upset if you don’t get an elaborate answer for your question.Instead, get out the dolls or action figures and observe what your child does through play.Your child might play the part of a scolding teacher or want you to play the part of a naughty child. Or your child might give you an art class. You never know.
KiddieTown releases a child only to the parents or to the individuals authorized to pick up the child whom the parents have listed in the Family Registration Form under the Authorized Pickup Person.Staff members may require any person picking up a child to provide proof of identification.If a child is going to leave the school with an individual who is not on the Authorization Form, the parent must give written notice to the teacher/Director before the scheduled pick-up and the individual must have photo ID. If an unauthorized person arrives at the school to pick up a child, the school will notify the parent immediately.
Learning is not knowledge