KiddieTown Preschool welcomes children of all abilities with the commitment to provide quality care and education to each child. We believe every child is a unique individual with varying needs and we welcome the diversity that brings to our center.

Your Child Will LOVE to Come to KiddieTown We GUARANTEE it 

KiddieTown is a place for a child to wonder, to develop curiosity, to explore and experiment with resources, to have individual attention from warm, responsive teachers. It is a place that values your child,a place that is  healthy, safe, educational and fun where learning can take place through discovery.

Our curriculum has developmentally appropriate practices and activities are selected on this basis and utilize a variety of instructional approaches to achieve our educational goals. Through child oriented units like community helpers, bears, insects, five senses, etc., the children learn about math, science, the alphabet, health and social studies. Special attention is given to the child’s artistic ability and students are given daily opportunities for expression through art, music, and movement. Development of positive social skills is encouraged at all times.

Our program is designed to provide many positive experiences for our students so that they can enjoy their accomplishments and develop the self confidence that is necessary to open the door to learning. It is our goal that their first school experiences be fun and rewarding as we are laying the foundation for all further education.